Archives: FAQs

by dandyfinds / on 8 March, 2022

How often should I workout?

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends getting 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per week to achieve the health benefits, maintain current weight, and/or prevent weight gain.
by dandyfinds / on 8 March, 2022

How do I know how much weight I should be lifting?

repetitions are key. Weight lifters should do 10-12 reps per muscle of their choice, and the weight used varies based on your fitness level. The final repetition is the one to pay attention to. If the 10th repetition is difficult, decrease the weight. If the
by dandyfinds / on 8 March, 2022

How many calories does it take to burn one pound of fat?

It takes 3,500 calories to gain or lose one pound. To lose one pound per week, you need to decrease your calories by 500 every day. This is usually done by cutting 250 calories out of your diet and burning the other 250 through activity.
by dandyfinds / on 8 March, 2022

I have no time to exercise, what can I do?

This is – by far – the most common complaint I hear. If this is a challenge for you, concentrate on getting small workouts in throughout the day. If your job takes the majority of your time, consider taking 3-10 minute breaks and walk at moderate